
Seam carving

This is a little project in OCaml I’ve done with the cheerful Julien Herrmann, as part of the Projet 1 course in L3. You can fetch the subject we used as a base for our work. If you’re eager for a further understanding of the process, be sure to read the original paper or to browse the dedicated webpage, where you can find this pretty video. As for our work, we intended at first to use a matrix to represent a picture, but finally one week before the deadline I decided that I would use a double-linked list data structure (or more accurately quintuple-linked cells, one cell for each pixel of the image).

Sparse vectors

This is a little project in C I’ve done with the cheerful Julien Herrmann, as part of the Projet 1 course in L3. The final result is more of a small library than a real software than does real things. The original purpose of this work was to implement two methods to manipulate sparse vectors (that is a 1-dimensional array with a lot of 0), either by using a linked list or an array with the indexes of the elements in the original vector.

Thread library

This time it was a personal homework I’ve done for the Architecture, système et réseaux 2 in L3. The original subject can be found here. We worked individually but I used precious advices from both my former roommate Alexandre Isoard and his geeker-than-you friend François Gindraud. You can download the sources of the produced library and use it at your convenience. It comes with some man pages and answers to some questions raised in the instruction paper.

Frequency allocation by graph coloring

This is a work I’ve done for the competitive entrance to the French grandes écoles during my second year in classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles (CPGE), as part of the travail d’initiative personnelle encadré test (commonly called TIPE). I was very young and this work is a bit old, but it may be worth take a look. The general purpose of this work was to study methods for coloring graphs with approximated of exacts methods, with a focus on triangulated graphs.