
Labworks in Computer Graphics

Labworks in Computer Vision

Network simulation

As part of the course on networking algorithms, we were due to experiment with the infamous discrete event simulator ns2. We were assigned 2 small projects, the first one being the simulation of some UDP and TCP exchanges, while the second focused on wireless traffic simulation. For the UDP/TCP simulation, the subject can be found here, along with my report and my source code. As for the wireless simulation assignment, here are the subject, with my report and my source code.

On the Road Coloring Problem

For our evaluation during the the M2 course Recent Topics in Graph Theory, we had to study a specific issue and realize a small survey on the matter, by summing up several research papers and detailling on or two technical points along the way. I devoted myself to the road coloring problem, which deals with edge coloring of a graph, the existence of a synchronizing word in a finite automaton, and cycles in a graph of relativeley prime lengths.

Parallel Oceanic Simulation with MPI

Part of the evaluation of our M1 course in Parallel Algorithm consisted in a small oceanic simulation project using MPI. The problem consists in a 2d grid populated by sharks and sardines, the evolution of which is regulated by local rules. The grid is then splitted into horizontal bands, each of them being treated in parallel in order to gain in efficiency compared to a sequential algorithm. The detailed subject can be found here (page 1 and page 2), along with my report and my source code.

Unsupervised Learning with Theano

During my winter spent in the Université de Montréal in Québec, I worked on a collective project with my classmates from the course algorithmes d’apprentissage. The long-term objective of the project was to develop new facilities to ease unsupervised learning tasks in python with the help of the Theano library, while our short-term motivation was to take part of the Unsupervised and Transfert Learning Challenge. Our team (LISA) did a honorable score in the contest, with a rather fruitful tool development.